Tuesday, 19 July 2016

MUST READ: 14 Things Your Spouse Should Come To Your Home Everyday

1. Your warm greeting.
2. Your desire to know how his/her day was.
3. A peaceful space from a peaceful spouse.
4. Your smile and laughter. Have light moments. Laughter. The day was already tough outside the home.

5. Your affirmation of love.
6. At least a kiss from you (you used to kiss a lot when dating, courting and first years of marriage).
7. A chance to eat dinner with you (and the children if you have any).
8. A massage from you if he/she is feeling tense or sore.
9. Encouraging words if he/she had a rough day.
10. Words of praise and compliments. Appreciate your spouse.
11. A hopeful close of the day looking forward to tomorrow.
12. Intimate quality time with you in the bedroom.
13. Lovemaking during the nights you both are in the mood.
14. A special goodnight either through a kiss, a cuddle or a prayer.
Courtesy: Dayan Masinde

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