Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Makonda ‘kick-starts’ classroom construction campaign for schools

DAR ES SALAAM Regional Commissioner (RC) Mr Paul Makonda has announced commencement of classroom construction campaign to ensure better learning environment for students in both primary and secondary schools in the city.
Mr Makonda made the statement in Dar es Salaam shortly after receiving a donation of 10,000 iron sheets worth 200m/- from MM Integrated Steel Mills Tanzania for the upcoming campaign. The RC said President John Magufuli has already provided 2bn/- to the region to facilitate construction of classrooms for Dar schools.

“President John Magufuli has provided 2bn/- for us (Dar es Salaam Region) to facilitate the construction of classrooms. As I receive this donation (10,000 iron sheets), May I now announce the start of construction of classrooms campaign,” he said, calling on well-wishers to help support the campaign by donating construction equipments among other support. Mr Makonda said the construction of classrooms would help rid Dar of the classroom shortage and create a friendly learning environment for students.

On the other hand, Mr Makonda received a donation of 1,000 desks from Baps Charities Institute. Speaking during the handing over ceremony, Executive Director of MMI Steel Mr Subhash Patel said the iron sheets would help roofing 143 classrooms.

“We are committed to supporting the government in tackling various challenges facing communities, especially in the education sector,” he said, adding that the company contributes 2.5bn/- valued added tax (VAT) every month, stressing that it was the company’s commitment to support development.

Meanwhile, the RC directed the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC) to carry out an assessment to ensure all industries in Dar es Salaam install sewerage treatment plants. In addition, he called on all the management of industries in the city to set up comprehensive sewerage infrastructures that would ensure better storage of wastewater.

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